Dear Students, 

I would love to get to know you better. I’ve seen so many of you on campus—from selfies on Opening Day to eating at the McShane Center and stuffing into the elevators at Lowenstein. But there are 17,000 of you and so many I have yet to meet. If you have ideas for me or things I need to know about our community, I've thought of a few ways you can connect with me: 
  • An hour-long virtual student town hall on Monday, April 3 at 5 p.m. All students, both undergraduate and graduate, are invited to join me on Zoom, where I will provide University updates and answer your questions. 
  • Office hours at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center. Beginning this March, you will be able to reserve a time to individually meet with me in my office at each campus or virtually. 
  • A Google form where you can submit your ideas. My team and I will review every single one. 
  • A presidential student advisory council. I have begun gathering the student government leaders from both undergraduate (both campuses) and each of the graduate and professional schools.  
We have an incredible community here at Fordham, and I’m excited to work with you to make it even better. 

All my best, 

Tania Tetlow 